Barnard - Stockbridge Museum
1) Corporate Structure - The Barnard - Stockbridge Museum is a registered Not-fro-Profit IRS designated 501 (C) 3 Corporation. It is organized under the laws of the State of Idaho. This structure requires the Board to select the Executive Director, and establish all policies for governance.
2) Board Meetings - The Board normally meets four times per year. Each of those meetings is open to the public. The Agenda for each meeting includes the approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting, reports from each of the Committees, a report from the Executive Director, and the date for the next Board meeting. Meetings usually last about one and a half hours. Key to the success of the Board meeting is the role of the Committees. Each Committee will submit to the Executive Director the minutes of that Committee's separate meeting. Those Minutes are then published along with the Agenda of the next Board Meeting as "read ahead" material. Should a recommendation by the Committee require Board action, the Committee Chair will so note the need for action in their minutes. By having all the Committee activities already embodied in their minutes, the full Board is able to ask for clarification or expansion on the subject covered at the Committee meeting and good position to act immediately on recommendations.
3) Committee Groups -
a. Finance Committee - Charged with all matters concerning the flow of funds once earned or donated to the Museum. It creates
the Annual Budget and monitors performance.
b. Program Committee - Reviews and then recommends to the Board the themes of the new modules that will be created for
each new season for the Museum. This includes plans for offering modules to other museums when those units are cycled out
of the current display. Also, it directs the activities of the Photo 101 and Docent programs.
c. Publicity Committee - Focus is on publicity for the Museum.
d. Fund Raising Committee - Is charged with raising money for the operation of the Museum. This includes Grant writing as well
as well as other fund raising initiatives.
e. University of Idaho Relations Committee - Maintains strong positive relations with the University of Idaho, especially the
Library Special Collections Unit. This includes full activity to attract more persons to become involved with the Museum by
recruiting them to become Board Members or Committee members. It will recommend any changes in leadership positions,
and compliance with the MOU with the University.
f. Governance Committee - The goal of the Committee is to insure the Board functions in accordance with the By Laws. The
Committee selects new Board Members, and appoints Committee Chairs. It insures that the Board focuses on issues of Policy.
The Executive Director position is filled by selection of this Committee with the concurrence of the Board. The Committee
members are not required to take Board positions, but the Committee Chair must be a member of the Board.
4) Board Members -
a. Bruce Flohr - Chair - Born and raised in Wallace, with second home in Wallace. Retired entrepreneur with expertise in railroad i
industry. Past chair of several Boards, including Witte Natural History Museum, Alamo Public Television (PBS TV) and Our
Lady of the Lake University, all in San Antonio, TX. Received the "Citizen of the Year" award from the Wallace Chamber of
Commerce for his work to create the Museum and his continuing involvement with the "Fall for History" program.
b. Dr. Dick Vester - Vice Chair - Optometrist and former Mayor of Wallace, Idaho (2 terms)
c. Courtney Frieh , Esq. - Chair of Finance Committee - Lawyer and entrepreneur in Wallace.
d. Dr. Heather Branstetter - Chair of Program Committee - Educator and author of book "Selling Sex in the Silver Valley."
Received the Wallace Chamber of Commerce "Volunteer of the Year" Award for 2019.
e. Dave Copelan - Chair of Publicity Committee - Coordinator of the Wallace Chamber of Commerce. Past owner of
newspapers and experienced in publishing.
f. Jenniffer Carrico - Past Chair of Wallace Library and community advocate.
g. Jim See - Retired Guidance Counselor and Television Production Educator, Pulaski Project President - Community Action
Group responsible for leading the restoration of the Pulaski Tunnel Trail. Wallace Stairs Project Director - Community
Action Group responsible for leading the restoration of the stairways on south hill of Wallace, ID. Feline friends
Board Member, Greater Wallace Community Development Board Member, Wallace District Mining Museum Board
Member, Barnard - Stockbridge Museum Board Member.
h. Kathy Magnuson Sheppard - Born and raised in Wallace, with long ties to the area.
i. Linda See - Retired Educator (junior and senior high school English teacher; district director of Chapter 1/Title 1
remedial math, reading, and language arts programs for grades 1 through 12) ; owner/proprietor of Beale
House Bed and Breakfast after extensive restoration projects; co-chairperson of Feline Friends, a non-profit
organization which benefits felines and their owners in the Wallace area.
5) Executive Director - Tammy Copelan serves as the Executive Director. Concurrent with this position, she is the Director of the
Wallace District Mining Museum, serving in that position since 2015.